Chicago's Top Rated Local® Before & After School Care

July 1, 2016

How To Encourage Your Preschooler To Be More Independent


Starting the first day of preschool is both exciting and uncertain for many families. While parents in Chicago are happy to see their child achieve a new milestone in their young life, there’s also a bittersweet hesitation about sending their preschooler off to be with “strangers” for the bulk of the day.

At Just For Kids LLC in Chicago, we encourage parents to see preschool as an opportunity to set the foundation for independence in their child’s life. Preschool is a very important time in a child’s life as far as personality and social skill development. In fact, the way that you approach the early days of preschool in Chicago can go a long way toward promoting independence in your child.

Here are a few tips from our Chicago preschool teachers about how parents can help their child develop an independent worldview that will come in handy all their lives.

1. Don’t Lower Your Expectations, Raise Them!

Preschool is the time to stop looking at your young child as a baby. Even though they’re far from self-sufficient, your three or four year-old is capable of astounding things, as long as you don’t limit them with your expectations. Putting on their own coat, carrying their lunch plate, drinking out of a regular cup–these are all things children are capable of doing at their preschool daycare, as long as we don’t assume that they can’t.

2. Don’t Be So Quick To Help Your Preschooler

It wasn’t so long ago that your child was pretty helpless, so it can be second nature to just do everything for them. Resist this urge, as allowing children to tackle tasks on their own engenders a sense of pride in their independence.

3. Allow Them To Make “Mistakes”

So the shirt isn’t folded perfectly, or the outfit your child chose to wear for preschool in Chicago doesn’t match. You might want to correct the “mistake” but we encourage you to let it be! These are accomplishments that should be complimented, not corrected.

4. Encourage Problem Solving

If you see your child encountering a difficult situation, pause before rushing to provide the answer. Perhaps they’re trying to figure out how to open their toy chest, or get their tricycle out of a difficult spot. Solving these types of problems on their own is a character-building experience for preschool-aged children, rewarding them for perseverance.

5. Give Them Responsibility

Preschool is the perfect age to introduce the concept of chores and responsibilities. At our Chicago preschool, we expect children to follow rules and participate in group clean-up tasks, and it’s best for parents to encourage this type of independence at home as well. Don’t be afraid to give your preschooler one responsibility at home that belongs to them entirely, and hold them responsible.

Visit The Preschool Program At Just For Kids LLC!

At Just For Kids preschool in Chicago, we’re dedicated to working together with parents to raise kids that are capable of greatness. Contact us now for enrollment information! We’d be happy to give you a tour of the facilities or explain more about the ways in which we provide a safe and educational environment for preschoolers in Chicago.