Chicago's Top Rated Local® Before & After School Care

January 17, 2017

Tips For Choosing The Right Summer Camp For Your Child

Winter break just ended and kids all over the Chicago area are digging out their snow boots and slip-sliding their way back to school. With all this cold, snow, and ice, summer camp is probably the furthest thing from your mind, but we’re here to bring it to the forefront!

Summer camp is a sacred rite of passage, a summer vacation ritual, and here in Chicago, a child care option that’s in high demand among working parents. Waiting too long to decide if, when, and where your child will attend summer camp could mean being left behind while everyone else gets to have fabulous adventures! That’s why we’d like to remind you of a few reasons why summer camp is so important for young kids and how to choose the right one for your family and budget.

Why Go To Summer Camp?

  • Physical Activity – One of the biggest reasons to think about sending your kids summer to camp in Chicago this year is to ensure that they remain physically active. For many kids, recess and phys ed classes are their main opportunities for physical activity and fitness. Without them, the temptation to become a couch potato is just too big. Attending Just For Kids summer camp provides opportunities for sports, swimming, dance classes, and more!
  • Unplug From Technology – Increased screen time goes hand-in-hand with the lack of physical activity that plagues most kids during summer break. When your children attend Just For Kids summer camp, they’ll spend their time doing arts and crafts, taking field trips, and other things that keep them from just staring at a screen all day.
  • Practice Social Skills – Some kids, especially those who don’t have siblings or lack social opportunities while their parents are at work, actually find that their social skills regress during the summer. Attending summer camp means that your child can make new friendships and continue the development of their personality all year long!

summer-camp-side-page-content-image-01-05-17When Choosing A Summer Camp, Consider These Things:

Now that you know just a few of the reasons why summer camp can be so beneficial for physical, academic, and social development, let’s discuss a few ways to choose the right camp for your child.

  1. Talk About Expectations – You desires for a summer camp might be completely different from what your child would actually enjoy. It’s important to ask your child what they want to do with their summer and what kinds of activities they would like to participate in before making your final decision.
  2. Day Camp Vs. Overnight Camp – Day camp is local and your child will be able to eat dinner at home and sleep in their own bed at night. This is typically best for younger children or those who have never attended summer camp before. Overnight camp (also called sleepaway camp) is generally better for older kids who are looking to stretch their wings a little bit.
  3. Specific Vs. General – Some camps focus on a very specific set of skills or activities, like computer camp or soccer camp. Others are more general, offering attendees a variety of different fun-but-enriching experiences all summer long.

Just For Kids LLC Is Chicago’s Choice For Local Summer Camp!

When considering your options for summer camp in Chicago this year, we hope that you’ll take the chance to learn more about what we offer here at Just For Kids. Our summer camp program runs for approximately 10 weeks in the summer, with our open house and registration dates typically occurring in late May/early June. Summer vacation will be here before you know it! Are you ready? Contact us to learn more.